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NYC Neighborhood & Community District Research Guide

New York City Resources to help you research your NYC Community District, and to complete your CD Beat Memo.

NYC Community District and Neighborhood Data Profiles

NYC Open Data & NYC Government Reports Portal

Schools, Education & Child Welfare

Find schools by neighborhood or CD on NYC Facilities Explorer main page, scroll down to "Build a Custom Search" and filter by type of facility, click "education, welfare, and youth," then "schools K-12." Then scroll further and click "view selected features"

Then where it says "filter by administrative boundary," choose neighborhood or CD, and then the specific CD or neighborhood itself, facilities appear on the map. On the top right you can download the filtered data into a CSV file. Most of the schools list a capacity.

School budget and expenditures data

Child Welfare

Health and Hospitals

Housing, Real Estate and Homelessness

Finding information on specific addresses/buildings

  • PropertyShark - email Research for a report on a building or owner.  PropertyShark has a trove of info on buildings, landlords, reveals the real owner of a building, some tenant contacts, links out to DOB permits and violations, and mortgage and deed documents from ACRIS. Also has recent forclosure actions.

NYC Databases from Housing Justice Organizations that background NYC Buildings and Identify Owners, or Housing Risk

New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) Developments

Housing Data Search Tools

Real Estate Market Analysis Reports Page

People and Families Experiencing Homelessness Data

Homeless Shelters in your CD: This spreadsheet of a recent shelter scorecard includes a detailed report tab, which includes address in the R column. Then you can search in the borough for an address that matches your CD, and create a list of shelters with the recent scorecard detailed info.

Buildings by Borough and Community District will give you a count by CD, but no names!


Social Services, Quality of Life & Well-being

Income & Employment, Business & Employers

Income Data

Unemployment Statistics

Find Local Businesses 

Cops and Crime

Government, Politics and Campaign Finance

Elected Officials

Campaign Finance Data

NYS Agencies

Environment and Parks

Arts & Culture, Civic Organizations & Community Groups

To find Organizations in your CD or Neighborhood (keep scrolling down for more resources)

Scroll down on main page at NYC Facilities Explorer to "Build a Custom Map." Then filter by type of facility, and scroll further down to click "view selected features."


Then Choose Type of Area (neighborhood, CD) and then the Area itself, facilities appear on the map. 

Your Community Board website may list local civic organizations, like this one and this one.

Transportation Data